Monday 9 April 2012

Oral Presentation Reflection

Before class started on Monday, Brad told us an amusing story about the Great Wall of China. Essentially, despite the construction of such a majestic fortress, the Mongols still managed to invade China due to the fault of a corrupt guard. What I took away from this short story was the fact that things don’t always turn out the way you plan. Little did I know that the moral of this little story would be an eerily accurate foreshadowing of my presentation that afternoon! 

I met with my group mates Kristyn and Joel twice on the weekend before the presentation. We edited the slides and practiced the entire presentation many times. By the time we wrapped things up on Sunday afternoon, I felt rather confident that we would do a good job on Monday. Our slides looked good and I felt certain that I would be able to deliver a good presentation as I had memorized my lines to the letter. 

Sadly, when it came time for me to speak on Monday, I was so fixated on reciting my lines in verbatim that I forgot all the important non-verbal cues. My stance was too tense and rigid, I made minimal eye-contact with my audience and I spoke way too fast. Brad and my classmates also commented that I looked at the screen too much and I think this was due to the fact that I was standing askew when I should have been facing the audience.

I think my poor presentation can be attributed primarily to the fact that I memorized my script. Because I felt that a large percentage of my grade was riding on this presentation, I wanted everything to be perfect. Unfortunately, memorizing my lines robbed my presentation of any natural human emotion. 

For me, the biggest lesson I can learn from this incident is that I should rely more on my spontaneity when giving a presentation. Memorizing my lines makes me feel nervous and jittery, and I end up droning on and on like an automaton (hey, that rhymes!). I think I would have done a much better job had I been more confident in my ability to speak comfortably in front of an audience and not be so fixated on getting the words in perfect order. 

Apart from that, I thought our slides were clean-looking and easy to follow. However some of my classmates commented that the screenshots made the slides look very wordy. Brad said that we should have blacked out the screen after flashing the slides in order to draw attention to ourselves (the speakers). This is an interesting suggestion and I think it’s very helpful for presentations like ours where the images are screenshots of words. All in all however, I personally felt the slides were good!

Thank you everyone for your constructive feedback regarding my presentation skills! 

Thank you Kristyn and Joel for being such great group mates! The project did seem overwhelming at times, but all in all I think we did pretty okay!


  1. Hi Tanisha,

    would first like to express that I think you and your group did an excellent job with the presentation. I don't think your presentation was poor at all (the main reason why I commented because you did just a great job!). In fact, I thought that you did a great job and still managed to be soothing and sincere. I think the reason why you felt that you didn't' do a good job might probably be because of the comparison with Kristyn who has the gift of being extremely natural in all her presentations but it's a personal style and you have yours too! :) I've watched many of your presentations during the course of our module and you've always been a very convincing and confident speaker. :)


    1. Hi Jacq!

      Thank you for your kind comments :) It really lifted my spirits. I was feelings kinda down after the OP. Somehow I feel that I didn't do my best for this particular presentation. I hope things improve next time round :)

      Thank you for your encouragement!


  2. Hi Tanisha,

    I thought you did very well, compared to the numerous rehearsals we had prior to the actual OP! Oh, and compared to peer teaching! You were definitely more confident this time round, and I believe this is attributed to the many practice sessions we had at your place. I think the only thing left to 'complain' about your presentation was the level of nervousness, which is unfortunately something that is sooo difficult to control. Anyhow, thanks for the effort and the fun you've provided mate!

    1. Hi Kristyn

      Yes I was so nervous that day I don't know why!! :( That's something I need to learn to control, because I usually start speaking very quickly when I'm nervous.

      Thank you for being a great group member!! :)


  3. Hello Tanisha!

    I think your presentation was in no way nearly as bad as you paint it out to be. Yes, you appeared nervous but everybody was visibly jittery when it came to their turn. So don't be too hard on yourself! :)

    I think you took the words out of people's mouths when you said you were stressing out over the perfect order of words.I think a lot of us, including me, have this struggle. It probably take a lot more experience to slowly build up that level of comfort to belt out a presentation without a fixed script.

    I think one of your strengths is your voice. Your tone is very prim and proper, like the MRT announcement lady's voice, which makes me listen up to what you're saying. I don't remember speed being a problem, though you did trail off at some points.

    In fact, I think the only real problem is that you looked uncomfortable but I think all you have to do is loosen up your eyebrows a bit (haha i know that sounds so -_-). I feel that you frown just a little bit when you present which translates to the audience reading a slightly pained expression on your face. This was much more obvious in the mock presentation but was much better in the real presentation.

    Ok, it's not as bad as it sounds but yeah, I think just relaxing your facial muscles might make you look more in control and that would bring your performance quite near perfection. All in all, it was a great job and you engaged my attention!

    1. Hi Ariele

      You always make me giggle when I read your comments. This time it was the part about the eyebrows! Hahaha. Thank you for pointing that out to me. Many people have told me that I sometimes scrunch my face up a bit. I used to purse my lips when I was young in a bid to combat anxiety! :P

      Thank you for your comments Ariele!


  4. Hi Tanisha, don't be so hard from yourself! You did better than the mock OP ;) You had a more relaxed stance and the content was great as usual. I think you totally underestimate your presentation ability and your potential in excelling in it. Given your eloquence and self confidence offstage (as in, in normal settings), I really feel that you don’t need to memorise and recite your lines for presentations. Have faith and confidence in yourself, I know you can do it ;)

    1. HI Ximin!

      Thank you for your kind comments :) You were a great audience member, both for the mock and the actual presentations. Thank you!! :)


  5. Hello Tanisha, you've always been one of those people whom I thought could present really well and fluently. And you didn't led me down during the OP! (: The only thing that I was a little uncomfortable with was that you looked vexed during q&a. So you might want to relax a little more so that you can exude the friendliness that you have.

    And I could tell that your group put in a lot of effort in preparing for this OP. In my opinion, your group's presentation was really good overall! (:

    1. HI Gladys!

      Thank you for your kind comments! I will make sure to keep your recommendations in mind for my next presentation! :)


  6. Hi Tanisha,

    Did the class comment that you were speaking too fast? I don't recall. Anyway, like what the rest said, I don't think your presentation was as bad as you described. Yes, you were a little tense, but that's about it I think. Like Kristyn mentioned, you did better than the rehearsals (and the mock OP). Perhaps having pauses to ask questions might ease you up a bit? It worked for me.

    Anyway, I would like to thank you for the hard work and effort you put into the project. It was a pleasure working with you and Kristyn!

    1. Hi Joel

      Thank you for your comments, and for being such a great team mate! Yup I think I was a bit tense. Need to ease up a little the next time round!

      Thank you!

